Take a trip to Finca Margarita with this El Salvador bundle
Bundled together, saving you 10%, try both of this year's coffee's made possible by our impact project at Finca Margarita in El Salvador
Help us to build climate change resilience in El Salvador
Explore the NS* Galaxy
Jaide Loves: Kenya Mutai Kinyua
It's such a bright and delicious cup, the redcurrant shines but you've got lovely lemon notes in there too and this gorgeous buttery mouthfeel to it. Brewing on V60 to really highlight the sweetness and berry notes that stand out in Kenyan coffees!
Help build climate resilience in El Salvador
With the help of export partners Caravela and Maria herself, we created a 3-stage infrastructure improvement project designed to bring about lot separation, better quality and consistency, efficient use of labour, lower emissions and ultimately, greater access to more income.